Map Coordinates

A single tap on the map gives you access to world coordinates. In addition, Map Coordinates offers a full set of tools like distance measurement, current GPS location, history / favorite locations, share location, find location or copy coordinates / address. You can switch between multiple coordinate types like decimal degrees, DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) or even special types like what3words, MGRS, UTM or GEOREF.
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Released on
Aug 16, 2012
Nov 19, 2024
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Introduce APK Coordinates

Are you troubled by not being able to find your destination even though you have been given directions? Indeed many people have experienced this , and Coordinates is what you can count on in this case. Combined from a lot of different GPS satellites extraterrestrial. In addition to being a large , it is also a great tool. Know every location by name and coordinates on maps and satellites. The fastest way to get you there without being late. If your job requires you to a lot, this is the one for you.

Just one click gives you updated maps and worldwide coordinates with detail and high-speed loading speed. We can to many different locations thousands of kilometers away in just a few seconds. Provides all the necessary tools for users to use with the . The most common is probably looking for somewhere’s location and measuring the distance from one place to another. Using it to learn geography is also a good . Although maps are known for giving directions, they can be used in many more situations.

Map Coordinates mod

As a large map of the , it is easy to understand when Map Coordinates is used to find out the location of many places. You will search for positions that you do not know by entering their addresses in the search bar. The map will start moving and point to the exact location you to find. If you want to show your area, you to enable GPS mode on your smartphone. Your location will then appear on the map represented by a red coordinate icon. Click on any place to see how long it will take you to get there. Accurate distance and movement speed are always guaranteed in Map Coordinates.

Map Coordinates mod apk

Relatively precise location

You need an connection to use Map Coordinates maps. As long as you have a stable network connection, it doesn’t where you are located. The map not only the location, but the illustrations are also very accurate. Correctly describe the location as a or a vacant lot, or possibly a lake. The system of this application is continually updated as soon as possible. So if there is a place you destroy and rebuild, Map Coordinates will update immediately. You will be surprised at how fast it updates maps and terrain. Rest assured, entrusting directions in the fastest way.

Map Coordinates mod apk free

is saved

No what locations you search for, they will be saved in the app’s . When you want to the site of that place, go to the section, and it will appear immediately. Know the exact distance between where you are and the specified location. If there’s a place, you’ll go to constantly, add it to your list of favorite places. When accessing the map, it will be highlighted with an icon. Not to find your way around, because you’ve got to remember the place for sure. It is used to find other places more quickly if they happen to be near your favorite location.

Share coordinates easily

Have an appointment with at a place, but they don’t know where that place is, then send the coordinates of that place to your . Copy them on the map and paste them into messages or various backgrounds. Just by that simple operation, your friends know your location. Depending on the , you can convert coordinates to many different formats. Avoid the case that the format mismatch leads to the wrong coordinates sent. DMS, what3words, MGRS, GEOREF (WGRS), and UTM are some of the most common coordinate formats to use in messaging.

Map Coordinates mod free

Just download and use Map Coordinates for a while. You will be able to remember almost all the places in your city. Send coordinates to everyone in the easiest way, and share and save your favorite places. Map Coordinates is the most perfect and fastest way map.

How to Download & Install Map Coordinates MOD APK (Unlocked Pro) for

What's new

- Keep backup of history and favorites locations when migrating from version 5.6 to version 5.7


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How To Install APK?

To install the APK, you to follow a few simple steps.

1. Make sure to download Mod APK files from only trusted sources.

2. Once the Mod APK is complete, locate the file on your device’s storage.

3. Before proceeding, ensure that you have enabled the installation of apps from unknown sources in your device’s settings.

4. Now, tap on the Mod Pro APK file to start the installation process. Follow the on-screen instructions and grant any necessary permissions.

Once the installation is complete, you can the Mod Premium APK / Mod Pro APK / app and enjoy all the additional Free Pro APK features, Free in-app Purchases and App Mod Cheat Functionalities it offers.

NOTE: If you can’t install over previous version you must uninstall original Non- APK and then install the new APK